Friday, June 03, 2005

Kill All The Cats


This post has nothing to with living breathing felines or Andrew Lloyd-Webber's cash cow.

So don't bother ringing up PETA or my oldest kid's musical theater director.

Because what I'm calling for here is the well-deserved, and long sought after, demise of the bloggodome's stupidest ritual, 'Friday Cat Blogging'.

To be replaced by........wait for it.........

HST Fridays!

This is actually sukabi's idea from over at the All Spin Zone. And the first post is a king-hell, stomp-on-the-terra winner archived by Dr. Fugacious.

By Hunter S. Thompson
From "Kingdom Of Fear "

"Let's face it, the yo-yo president of the U.S.A. knows nothing. He is a dunce. He does what he is told to do, says what he is told to say, poses the way he is told to pose. He is a fool..........

To say this goofy child president is looking more and more like Richard Nixon in the summer of 1974 would be a flagrant insult to Nixon.

Whoops! Did I say that? Is it even vaguely possible that some New Age Republican whore-beast of a false president could actually make Richard Nixon look like a Liberal?.......

The Boss was a certified monster who deserved to be impeached and banished. He was a truthless creature of former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, a foul human monument to corruption and depravity on a scale that dwarfs any other public official in American history. But Nixon was at least smart enough to understand why so many honorable patriotic U.S. citizens despised him. He was a Liar. The truth was not in him.

Nixon believed, as he said many times, that if the president of the United States does it, it can't be illegal. But Nixon never understood the much higher and meaner truth of Bob Dylan's warning that "To live outside the law you must be honest.".....

Richard Nixon crossed the line when he began murdering foreigners in the name of "family values"- and George Bush crossed it when he sneaked into office and began killing brown skinned children in the name of Jesus and the American people.

When Muhammad Ali declined to be drafted and forced to kill "gooks" in Vietnam he said, "I ain't got nothin' against them Viet Cong. No Cong ever called me Nigger."

I agreed with him, according to my own personal ethics and values. He was right.

If we all had a dash of Muhammad Ali's eloquent courage, this country and the world would be a better place today because of it........"

And it only get's better after that, if you can believe it.

And the best thing?

There's so much HST to mine and so few Fridays left until the end of the Twig's Reign.

Res Ipsa Loquitur!


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