Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Minutemaid Men Are Coming!


After backing down earlier this past spring, it looks like those guys with guns are making noises about bringing their act North to the 49th parallel, again:

"Civilian border patrols, like those that have generated fierce debate in the Southwest, are planned to start along New York's border with Canada on October 1.

The leader of the Minuteman Civilian Defense Corps, Chris Simcox, will be keynote speaker at a four-hour meeting planned for Saturday in Babylon, on Long Island. The meeting is intended to organize and train volunteers to patrol the Canadian border in New England and New York. Mr. Simcox's group started patrols in Arizona in April and plans to launch a nationwide effort in October, according to a spokeswoman for the Minutemen, Connie Hair."

Clearly, these Nattering Neighbobs of Nascarism have not yet gotten wind of the 'McSorley Project':

"....(T)he way I figure it we could take care of these Minutemaid Men in about, well, 15 minutes, by massing our own homegrown, hockey stick-assisted V-group within spitting distance of the line on our side of the border in southern Manitoba.

We could call it 'The McSorely Project', fronted by the man himself, with chief lieutenants Dave Semenko and Todd Bertuzzi.

Of course, the head of the propaganda unit will be a guy that Bill O'Reilly will go absolutely bonkers over, Dave 'Flapping Gums' Williams.

And once they suckered the Anita Bryant lovin' Squeezers-of-the-Juice across the Frontier, the MProject would then kick their butts straight north all the way to Flin Flon - former home of the master of the two hander, Paddy Ginnell, not to mention the very best Mary Jane tunnels government money can buy.

Of course the Squeezers would be so freaked out by all of this, not to mention their dismay over the fact that they could stop in at the local clinic to get any and all of their injuries treated for free, that they would be begging to buy express route Greyhound tickets from Flin Flon's Gay Busdriver Alliance so that they could get safely home to Nome where we would then keep them pinned down in Alaska as a public service to all of those folks in the Excited States that are still sane enough to realize that vigilantism, even when it is stupid, useless showboating, is the beginning of the end of liberal democracies everywhere."


The weird part about all of this is that some Canuckistanis have been bamboozled into thinking that we actually deserve it.
Update: Writing in the comment thread, Name informs us that the Juice Boys are here on the Left Coast as well, just south of Abbotsford apparently. For more of what Name has to say on one of our favorite topics, the Vancouver Election, check their comment out on this thread (@ 4:02pm Sept 17th).


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