Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Are Democrats Afraid Of?


Apparently it's that great American institution known as foraging for food.

And no, that is not the act of schlepping down to the Seven-Eleven for a slurpee.

Instead, it is apparently George W. Bush's super-secret weapon to keep the war in Iraq going until, like, forever:

The past few weeks on Capitol Hill have been dominated by Iraq, as the GOP has continued to stand with the President and Democrats have been unable to muster the votes to force his hand. Soon, Bush will be asking for more funding--reportedly as much as $200 billion. When he does, he'll again argue that the timely and "clean" passage of the spending bill is essential to keeping the troops equipped. But that's not true. Thanks to the Feed and Forage Act, an obscure nineteenth-century statute, Bush could legally continue to prosecute the war without funding from Congress.


In related news,
apparently Mr. Bush cannot forage for grub while riding Western (or even English) on his ranch. Why? Well, according to former Mexican president Vincente Fox, commander codpiece loses his swagger and turns to jelly when he gets near anything remotely equine.


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