Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Who Get's What In The Vancouver Art Gallery Deal?


So, the document dump timer has now officially expired.

And it is now time to start asking the hard questions.

Frances Bula, just back from a Whistler Wingding with Teenagers, starts the ball rolling:

The provincial government announcement (last) Friday about a new roof for B.C. Place and the relocation of the Vancouver Art Gallery to the False Creek waterfront was fascinating for what it didn't tell us what's really going on here.

I wrote a story about how these two announcements in essence have put developers, which includes the province, in the drivers' seat when it comes to coming up with a new plan for this area of the Vancouver downtown around BC Place. The story also noted that the Plaza of Nations owner, Canadian Metropolitan Properties, sold the land to the art gallery for $1.

What's still missing from all this is what it is that Canadian is going to get back from this deal for their $1 sale......


.....I await further news. But in a deal that involves Aquilini, Concord and the province, whatever news we get has to be interesting."


Maybe they're waiting for the Man from Marathon to tell them when things are 'safe'.

One question I had for Ms. Bula, which she has posted but has so far at least chosen not to answer, is who, specifically, brokered that one dollar deal. Why did I ask such a question, you may be wondering (or not)? Well, there all kinds of reasons, many of which are 'cultural' in nature and which may involve 'content' that would require all kinds of 'consulting' but not 'lobbying'. OK?


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