Monday, November 10, 2008

Vancouver Mayoral Race - Show Us The Money!


Late last week, after the $100 million dollar bailout boondoggle became public, NPA mayoral candidate Peter Ladner tried to start a little blow-back against Vision candidate Gregor Robertson by repeatedly suggesting that Mr. Robertson had raised way more money ($400K comes to mind) than he, Mr. Ladner, had for his nomination campaign. Furthermore, numerous partisans down on the killing floors of the Bloggodome (ie. the comment threads) started screaming about how tons of the Gregor money had actually come from 'gasp!' developers.

Well, both candidates have since released their nomination numbers and, according to Frances Bula at least, there isn't a whole lot to separate them except perhaps the per vote dollar amounts (which is a category that FABula concludes Mr. Robertson wins, hands down) and the fact that it was Mr. Ladner who garnered more developer-bund-booty.

Now, of course, it is quite possible that the released numbers do not truly reflect reality (if only we had that rolling reporting system that they have in, say, Seattle!). However, at this point no one on either side has made much of a fuss about the other's numbers.

One interesting tidbit is a side-by-side comparison of the released numbers that has been done by Brendon Walters (who is, it must be said, an up-front Vision supporter).

Because it is most illuminating, I reproduce Mr. Walters' chart comparison here.
(click on image to enlarge)

So, based on all this, I can't wait for an enterprising young pro-media type to ask Mr. Ladner the following.....

"Where's the beef?"

And if Mr. Ladner can't pull out a stack of grade A hamburger patties and/or a T-bone steak or two when he responds?

Well, would it not be reasonable to then conclude that the NPA candidate has, once again, hoisted himself on his own hyperbole petard?


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