Sunday, January 18, 2009

Olympic Village Boondoggle: Prove It All Night


Last night, after littler e. and I were done posting up the latest 'Uke Cover Kung-Fu Fighting' post, I took Frances Bula's advice and shut it down for awhile.....

As a result, e. went off to watch Freaky Friday (again) with Mom, C., and I hunkered down to scrutinize, backwards and forwards, the commentary on the 2001 edition of Catch 22 (with the teacher Mike Nichols and student Steven Soderbergh who takes the professor to school....would have loved to hear Buck Henry in the mix too).

So, because I hadn't really been paying attention to anything topical at all for about 8 hours, it was a bit of a surprise to see the following float on by just before I went to bed:

Just who might still be hanging 'round the Ledge as midnight approached on a Saturday, I wondered.

Had Cinderella-Dipper stopped by?

Strange, I thought, as I drifted off while trying to read Rod Mickleburgh's oddly puffy piece in the day's Globe.....


This morning, I was noodling around while listening to Mr. Holman et al. (send Sean money!) and saw a whole bunch more visitors from the place that Gord Holds Hostage.

That's when I remembered what was really going on, an event which was soon wired all over the world, including to Hunter S. Thompson's* last publisher, ESPN:

VICTORIA, British Columbia -- The city of Vancouver will borrow more than $360 million to ensure the $800-million athletes village will be built for the 2010 Winter Olympics. British Columbia politicians voted unanimously Sunday to support legislation that allows Vancouver to borrow the money without going to a public referendum.

Politicians debated the bill for about 20 hours straight. Opposition New Democrats had accused the government of hiding the costs of the Vancouver Olympics.....

More on all this to come?

Bet on it.

After all, you didn't think I was going to stop now did you?

And besides, I don't give a hoot-in-heckfire what Marcella Munro says.

The good Docktor Thompson, was no stranger to the fights against the land-rapers and the greed-heads, including those that involved Corporate owners of Ski Resorts etc......
Oh, and before I forget, my take on 'FABula' v. 'The Spamaloteers' coming soon as well....


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