Wednesday, March 11, 2009

RailGate Roller Coaster.....Take A Look At The Back Of Me!


Well, well, well.....

Regarding the question of what Mr. Patrick Kinsella and/or the Progressive Group may have actually done to earn $297,000 dollars they received from BC Rail during the years just before and just after the deal with CN Rail went down, unlike Attorney General Wally Oppal and Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon, British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell says, 'I think I've already answered those questions," as he walks/runs away from reporters .....

But here's the thing.

It would also appear that Intrepid Independent Reporter, and Chairman-of-the-Board of Public Eye TV, Mr. Sean Holman, is unaware of where Mr. Campbell might have answered 'those questions'.


Is it possible that Mr. Campbell was referring to this non-answer answer of not-so plausible non-deniability from days gone by?

And will this issue raise it's head, ugly or otherwise, during 'They-Call-It-Question-Not Answer' Period in the Ledge this afternoon? Enquiring minds and/or Hansard watchers most definitely want to know....


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