Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Campaign Day 22 (cont'd)....Stealth (con)Libs Re-Rising...


Tonight's winner(s) is.....

The Poleman

C'mon down!

"Why weren’t Rich Coleman and Mary Polak at the provincial issues forum on Monday? Maybe they think their re-election is in the bag. Maybe they have nothing to say about privatization of our resources, poverty and education funding.

The public forum, organized by the Langley Teachers’ Association, featured a panel of prominent speakers, and five candidates from both Langley ridings......"

Ooooooohhhhhhh teachers.

Run for your lives Mary/Rich.

Those teachers that teach your children - they're just too scary!

Come to think of it, maybe we should have said 'run for your joined-at-the-hips lives'.....
Thanks to Tyee commenter 'offended' for the tip.....He/she wonders if Polak/Coleman will show up at an all candidate's meeting tonight......


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