Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Which Is More Deadly....Listeria or Codswallop?



What happened AFTER the listeria bacteria bloomed in those meat cutters was bad.

But, in my view at least, what was absolutely unforgiveable is what happened BEFORE the bacteria grew.

Which, to be absolutely clear, was an explicit policy change that was engineered by Mr. Stephen Harper with malice and/or ideology aforethought that was then put into action by Mr. Gerry Ritz when he took federal government inspectors out of meat processing plants.

As a result, the bacteria were able to grow until they reached deadly levels, undetected.

And if we, the people of Canada, do not come to that realization we are, in my opinion, inviting it to happen again, regardless how many half-measures are put in place to take care of things AFTER the next bacteria-driven outbreak occurs.


Impolitical's take really helps provide a full-scope/big picture view of this matter.....In fact, it is something every single big time proMedia editor/producer should be forced to read before they wurlitzer up another stupid puff-piece that implies that everything is better now and that there is no longer any need to worry about the cold-cuts at the salad bar and/or in the cafeteria of the old folks home.


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